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Posted by D "JAMES" Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Law of Attraction (LofA) is one the most know universal laws. There are many different views on how many governing laws that actually exist in the universe, but many agree that the The LofA is one of them. It is probably the most known law and it means: like attracts like. Several books have been written on the topic of the LofA and a search for this law on Google will get you millions of hits. In comparison a search for the "Law of Vibrations" or any other universal law isn«t even close. The LofA is by far the most known law of all the universal laws.

The LofA became almost a household name after the release of The Secret in 2006. It was widely marketing and it was picked up by the media. But now there is new movie coming out that will also explain more about the other governing laws of the universe. The movie Beyond The Secret features Emmy award-winner Les Brown, Bob Proctor, Marcia Wieder, Paul Martinelli and many other great motivational teachers, authors and visionaries on the topic of how you can get what you want in life by gaining a deeper understanding of the universe. The Secret was just the tip of the iceberg.

In this video some of the leading experts within the LofA field explain how it works.

Back in 1986 Esther and her husband Jerry Hicks came into contact with non-physical entities called Abraham. Abraham is a group of evolved teachers from "the other side" - non-physical entites and they speak through Esther. Esther and Jerry has published a lot of books, DVD, articles etc. about the information received through Esther from Abraham. This is referred to as the teaching of Abraham or the Abraham-Hicks teaching.

The law of attraction is an ancient universal law that was brought to light from Abraham through Esther Hicks.

Esther Hicks was part of the bestselling book and DVD "The Secret" when it was released by Rhonda Byrne in 2006. The book and DVD gained a lot of attention worldwide. The media picked it up and The Law of Attraction became a very well known universal law.

The people behind the movie was featured on popular talks shows like Oprah and Larry King raising the interest even higher.

According to Wikipedia "Esther Hicks was a narrator and star of the original version of the film The Secret. However, the footage featuring Hicks was removed from the later "Extended Edition" after a conflict between Hicks and the film's creator Rhonda Byrne. The conflict is reported as being primarily about intellectual property rights and money.After the film's release, the book, Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham, by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks made the New York Times Best Sellers list", drawing even more attention and interest to this topic."

So what is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction insists that all things similar in nature will naturally gravitate to one another and magnetise one another into their own field. This applies to all things in the Universe; it also applies to thought. Thought is energy and it is magnetic to those things with a similar vibration.

Like attracts like - so in a nutshell you attract what you think about and what you feel strongly about. However after the book and movie The Secret came out scientists disputed that the Law of Attraction works - they said that like does not attract like. If you take two positive magnets toward each other they will actually repel - not attract.

In order to understand this Law its important to first understand The Law of Vibration which states that everything in the universe vibrates. Everything is made up of energy and everything has its own vibrational freqency. If you want to attract something you need to be at the same vibrational frequency as what you want - The Law of Resonance states that anything that is on the same vibrational frequency makes itself known to each other. They vibrate on the same frequency. When we send out signals on a certain frequency through are thoughst and emotions the universe respond to us with anything and everything that resonates with that frequency.

Hence we should learn to resonate with what we want instead of resonating with what we are doubtful of, fearful of and so on.

When we do that our thoughts and emotions will become things.

You reap what you sow.

Thought + emotions = Attraction

One of the most successful actors in recent years is Will Smith. In this videoclip he shares with us his belief in the power we all have and that we really can make what we want. He believes that you can create whatever you want to create - which is the essence of the Law of Attraction:

In this videoclip on the Larry King show - Oprah share how she got a part in the movie The Color Purple and it was all about how she was thinking, feeling and drawing it into her life by using the Law of Attraction - by putting all her emotions behind it. She used the formula thought + emotions = attraction to get what she wanted

We have to be aware of our thoughts - so my task is to be one with my soul, my inner self and thus the Source and can only be that by knowing that every thought I think makes an impact in this universe. It is a ripple in this ocean of energy.

Definitions and Clarifications about the Law of Attraction and How it Manifests:

This law is a manifestation of the creative power of the Universe.
It is through this law that everything is created: galaxies, planets, metals, rocks and even plants, animals and people.
Like attracts like.
Thoughts attract corresponding situations and circumstances.
You get what you think about.
You attract into your life whatever you focus on.
Positive thoughts attract positive events. Negative thoughts attract negative events.
If you entertain feelings and thoughts about hardships and obstacles, then this is what you get.
If you keep thinking and expecting success, and don't allow doubts enter your mind, you will eventually achieve success.
It is not enough just to wish for something, you need strong desire and faith to manifest what you want.
In order for your thoughts to manifest, you have to repeat them often, and add feelings, desire and interest.
The mind acts like a magnet.
Similar energy attracts similar energy.
Your thoughts determine the way you live.
The law of attraction is used by everyone, though mostly unconsciously.
Filling the mind with worries and anxieties bring stress and unhappiness.
Filling the mind with happy thoughts will attract happiness into your life.


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